Vancouver Documentary Photographer - The Story of Sara Day in the Life, Birth, Maternity, Hospital SessionsFelicia ChangSeptember 20, 2018Felicia Chang PhotographyLions Gate Hospital, family documentary photography, day in the life session, maternity photographs, blessingway, rituals, family of four, extended family session, north vancouver familiesComment
North Vancouver Birth Photographer | Meet Holden - Lions Gate Hospital Birth, Hospital Sessions, NewbornFelicia ChangJune 11, 2018brotherhood, family of boys, family of five, hospital birth, labor and delivery, Lions Gate Hospital, newborn baby, nitrous oxide, north vancouver newborn photographer, vaginal deliveryComment
Vancouver Newborn Photos | Better Late than Never Hospital First Moments Birth, Hospital Sessions, NewbornFelicia ChangMarch 25, 2018baby boy, brothers, docmentary newborn sessions, documentary newborn photography, epidural, family hospital visits, hospital birth, induction, labor and delivery, royal columbian hospital, siblingsComment
Vancouver Newborn Photography | Hospital to Home for Christmas Hospital Sessions, NewbornFelicia ChangJanuary 29, 2018baby boy, choleostasis, extended family visits, family of four, hospital birth, Lions Gate Hospital, North Vancouver Birth photographer, vaginal birthComment
Vancouver Newborn Photographer | Hospital to Home Day in the Life Day in the Life, Hospital Sessions, NewbornFelicia ChangFebruary 26, 20176 hours old baby, baby boy, BC Children's Hospital, family of five, newborn baby boy, vancouver newborn photosComment
Vancouver Family Photographer | #2015Gratitude Birth, breastfeeding, Day in the Life, Engagement, Families, Hospital Sessions, Maternity, Newborn, WeddingFelicia ChangDecember 31, 2015family documentary session, hospital newborn photography, vancouver family photos, Vancouver Newborn photographer Comments
Vancouver Hospital Newborn Photographer | Baby Wesley Birth, Hospital SessionsFelicia ChangMay 22, 2015hospital birth, new westminister, royal columbian hospital, vancouver hospital newborn photography, Vancouver Newborn photographer Comments
Vancouver Newborn Photographer | Hospital session Baby Jackson Hospital Sessions, NewbornFelicia ChangFebruary 17, 20158 hours old baby boy, birthing with midwives, family of five, hospital birth, hospital newborn session, Lions Gate Hospital, meeting baby brother, visiting hoursComment
Vancouver Newborn Photographer | Baby Jackson Hospital Newborn Session Hospital Sessions, NewbornFelicia ChangFebruary 5, 20159 hour old baby, baby boy, big sisters, hospital birth, Lions Gate Hospital, Midwiferyassociates-ca, north vancouver, Post-Partum Ward, Vancouver Coastal Health Comments
Vancouver Newborn Photographer | Baby Hannah Hospital Newborn Session Hospital Sessions, NewbornFelicia ChangJanuary 26, 20154-hour old baby, hospital birth, hospital newborn photographer, natural birth, newborn photography, Surrey Memorial Hospital Comment