Vancouver Family Photographer - Sharing Everyday Life & Photography

Mom and daughter bonding over bedtime stories while lying in bed.

I have know Catherine for almost 20 years. We’ve lived carefree college lives, travelled on weekend city-hopping road trips for frisbee tournaments, and shared much laughter and adventures. We have moved on from that to working professionals, and now mothers trying to “balance” careers and parenting and all the shit one can squeeze into the term emotional labor.

We’ve talked about loss and challenges. We’ve cried and hugged. We may be far from those carefree days but our friendship has also transcended and deepened. So much so that it has extended to our families, including our daughters, who pair off like long lost peas in the pod when they see each other.

Mother skipping rope with daughters on the sidewalk in front of their home in Calgary.
Older sister smiling at her younger sister’s silly face while playing in the attic.
Little sister smiling at her own reflection in her big sister’s sunglasses while riding in the car.
Family playing Nintendo games at a beer tasting at Eighty-Eight brewery.
Girl pulling her hair in frustration.

This is the stuff that defines us. Not the pursuit of balance or success. It’s the gratitude that comes with seeing how our friendship has given birth to joy, laughter, and imagination shared so seamlessly amongst our children.

Cat I am always grateful for you and for your continued effort to keep in each other’s lives.

I am most definitely grateful for random and long phone calls.

Dad observing his daughter’s silliness while wearing her unicorn towel in the living room.
Family cuddles during bedtime.

And one day, maybe even for bike trips taken abroad without kids.

Love you so much my dear friend….I have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you all. I hope these photographs will show you that I SEE YOU and how much you do for this family and these babies of yours.

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